Commercial Pipeline Installation

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We distribute cylinders throughout
Tirunelveli City and the nearby regions.
Commercial Pipe Line
Manifold Installations
For industrial customers, there are two major installation types to choose from: VOT (Vapor Off-Take) and LOT (Large Off-Take) (Liquid Off-Take). Super LOT (or SLOT) is a third category that, like the other two, is applicable with the 33KG LPG cylinder installation.
450 KG Hippo Installation
If you own a factory or work in heavy manufacturing and have a space constraint, the 450 kg Hippo installation is the ideal option for you. These traditional cylinders are small in size but equally effective. It is safe because of its size and high-quality filtration.
Bulk Installation
For large companies with substantial LPG usage, bulk installation is highly recommended. There are two types of bulk storage solutions: above ground and mounded. Depending on your needs, bulk installations are offered in single and multiple LPG storage tanks.
Conventional VOT Installations
For industries with limited fuel requirements, the VOT (Vapour Off-Take) is the traditional cylinder placement. It is the most popular type of installation, and it is typically utilized in single LPG cylinders with a maximum LPG offtake of less than 60 kg per hour. Because of its design and operation, this sort of installation is only recommended for consumers that use a small amount of LPG.
LOT Installations
When flow rates are high, liquid off-take LPG installations are a better and safer solution than traditional Vapor Off Take (VOT) cylinders. It uses a vaporizer and is currently being utilized in a variety of commercial and industrial applications for customers who want a high LPG flow rate for their processes.
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